前回まで開催してきた会場であるCONTACT TOKYO閉店後、今回の「S-R Tokyo」は、6月24日土曜日、いまを発信し続ける渋谷WWWを筆頭に、イベントシリーズをシーンの重要ベニューであるSUPER DOMMUNE、SPREAD、CIRCUS OSAKA、ENTER、翠月にて開催する。
NYでは今年で9年目になるSustain-Releaseだが常に新しいアーティストをブッキングし、毎回更新し続けるマインドと東京で新しさを発信し続けるWWWの表現の場が初めて混ざわる。そして6月23日金曜日には初となる大阪、CIRCUS OSAKAでの開催も決定した。
With the closing of former venue CONTACT TOKYO, this year’s S-R Tokyo turns to cultural epicenter WWW for its main event on June 24th. But the party doesn’t just end there—the event series will continue at key venues underpinning the scene: SUPER DOMMUNE, SPREAD, CIRCUS OSAKA, ENTER and MITSUKI.
Constantly evolving through their bookings of fresh global talent, Sustain-Release celebrates its 9th anniversary in New York this year, and it will be the first time it joins forces with WWW, Tokyo’s hub for cutting-edge culture. On June 23rd, the event will also make its debut in the Kansai area at CIRCUS OSAKA.
The pandemic is almost fully behind us now in the year 2023, and society is moving forward at super-speed. Art and music as forms of expression are entering a new threshold, finding renewed purpose in our changing times.
The easing of pandemic restrictions have led to a surge of activity between scenes across the globe, highlighting the importance of experiencing culture in person. Building true synergy between communities is hard to achieve, but we believe that’s exactly what makes it worthwhile.
S-R Tokyo will dig deeper into the local scene for its third edition, taking over spaces that have served as a platform for up-and-coming artists.
The economy and political climate continue to shift seemingly by the day, but this event will be a celebration of the one constant source of joy for us all: music. We can’t wait for you to experience this rare collaboration of two special creative communities.
2014年にスタートした「Sustain-Release(サステイン・リリース)」は、NYCの北部アップステートのキャンプ場を舞台に、ブルックリンのローカルDJがラインナップされたNYで唯一無二のレイヴパーティー。毎年、ゲストにはインターナショナルに活躍するDVS1、DJ Stingrey、DJ Sprinkles、Lena Willikens、Kassem Mosse、Legowelt、Josey Rebelle、Courtesy、Batu、Jane Fitz、CCL、Eris Drew & Octo Octa、Avalon Emerson、Shanti Celeste、AceMoma、Tim Reaper、Special Request、Roza Terenzi、Sleep D、Juliana Huxtable、DJ Fart in the clubなどのアーティスト、日本勢にはDJ Nobu、Wata Igarashi、Powder、Chris SSGなどのアーティストを「Sustain-Release」ならではの審美眼でセレクトしてきた。オーガナイザーは、ブルックリンを拠点に世界で活躍するDJ/プロデューサーのAurora Halal。今年で9年目を迎える「Sustain-Release」は、RA「月間 Festivals TOP10」で4年連続1位を獲得するほど高く評価されている。さらに、暴力や差別、不快な行為を一切禁止し、オーディエンスとともに作り上げるセーフティな空間も人気の理由なのだろう。その環境を守るがゆえに、パーティへの参加は完全招待制、チケットは1000人限定という制限を設けながらも発売と同時に秒殺でソールドアウトする、スペシャルなレイヴができあがった。
Launched in 2014 and held every year at an upstate camping site in the woods, Sustain-Release is New York’s superlative festival organized by Brooklyn-based DJ and producer Aurora Halal. In addition to Brooklyn DJs injecting local flavor, their on-point curation has included international guests like DVS1, DJ Stingray, DJ Sprinkles, Lena Willikens, Kassem Mosse, Legowelt, Josey Rebelle, Courtesy, Batu and Jane Fitz, CCL, Eris Drew & Octo Octa, Avalon Emerson, Shanti Celeste, AceMoma, Tim Reaper, Special Request, Roza Terenzi, Sleep D, Juliana Huxtable, DJ Fart In The Club, as well as Japanese artists such as DJ Nobu, Wata Igarashi, Powder and Chris SSG. Celebrating its 9th anniversary this year, Sustain-Release has been ranked the best festival of the month by Resident Advisor for four years in a row. The festival’s strict policy rejecting all forms of violence and discrimination is also part of the reason for their success. In order to protect this safe environment, the festival is invite-only and is capped at 1,000 tickets, which all sell out in seconds.